About Me

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I live in Australia and have been a fan since ABBA first appeared on TV here in 1975. Follow my blogs for ABBA updates and check out my ABBA website ABBA Fanatic !

About This Blog

I created this Blog as a catalogue for articles and clippings about ABBA from Australian newspapers and magazines from the 70's. If you have any articles you would like to share, please email them to me to be included.
I am also interested in buying any Aussie articles or scrapbooks. Just drop me a line.

Nov 12, 2011

ABBA Alive And Well !

Juke - 19 March 1977

This fabulous 3 page spread first came to my attention when looking through Trudy's collection for probably the first time.
I must have said something about it at the time because for Christmas that year I received an awesome gift from Trudy - she had found someone to scan the 3 pages then join them to make a poster which was then laminated. What an absolute beauty ! It is quite large as Juke was a newspaper publication.
The first and second image are of this beautiful gift - the following ones are from separate pages I ended up acquiring later in a scrapbook.
Some really great live shots not seen elsewhere.


Herald Sun 7 March 1977

1000 Miss Out On ABBA's Arrival

Herald Sun 28 February 1977

Nov 11, 2011

The Frasers Meet ABBA

The Frasers Meet ABBA

March 1977

He ended up being the most hated Prime Minister in this country - but at least he got to meet ABBA ! lol

The Magic Of ABBA

Herald Sun 7 June 2001

This is not from the 70's but they used so many great pics from ABBA's 2 visits here that I had to include it :)